Thursday, June 6, 2013

Our Family of Five

May 2003
On a warm summers night, my family and I were all sitting around the tele watching "A Bug's Life." Then all of a sudden we heard a scratching noise come from the front of the house. I went to the front door thinking it was a opossum or a skunk, but to my eye I saw a momma cat and a kitten. I picked up the little black kitten and he started to purr away. To the corner of my eye I saw two other kittens trying to sneak away behind the bushes. I picked up a gray and white one, and she hissed straight away. Of course I wanted to keep them, but mum said what happens if they are someone Else's cats.
We all ran to Wal-mart and got some dry food to

feed them for awhile until their owner comes. A week passes and no sign of an owner. We opened the door and allowed each one of them to come in the house. They were all timid at first, but eventually made the house their own. The mother, a black and white coat, we called her Gypsy because she has wondered around. The black kitten, I named Kiki, after my favorite VHS tape. The gray and white kitten, we named Miss Hiss and the other black and white kitten we named Tinker. Each one of the cats had a very different personality. Gypsy and Hiss never liked to go outside even if the weather was lovely.
Tinker always was the hunter and Kiki was a blunder puss. I taught him how to play golf and no matter how old he was, he always  loved to drink out of a bottle.
Feeding time for the heard was always an enjoyment. All of the cats would get into a circle and stand on their hind legs when we brought their plates over. All of them would practice their meows as well during
feeding time.
One day a big male cat came to the door. He was also black and white. To me he seemed to resemble the father looking in on his family. My mother was secretly feeding him and one day, when she was bringing the dish of dry food over to him, my dad asked what
she was doing and she quickly put all of the cat food in her mouth.
After that, we allowed the dad to come into the house and be with his family. His became Rex, the male sheep dog off of "Babe." The family was back again. They all spent time together, either hunting, playing, washing, and sleeping.
In 2006, I organized a wedding for the mom and dad. I made all of their dresses and bow ties. I just thought they had three kids and they love each other, its time for them to be married. I had a real Priest help with the sermon and yes both of
the cats had to exchange rings.
One of the most comical times about all of the cats is night time. When we would all go up to bed, so would the five cats. They would fight over who's bed they would sleep on and eventually would get under the covers. Then in the middle of the night, I would be unable to move because I would have every cat covering my body. In the morning when the alarms would go off, they certainly new how to get all of us up by biting each one of us on the nose.
Now in 2013, we are only left with Tinker, Rex, and Stevie (the adopted cat).
Miss Hiss was stolen one day, Kiki was attacked by a dog, and Gypsy had pancreatic cancer and could pull through. Each of my animals owns a piece of my heart and my heart has a place for them too.

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